Monday, July 28, 2008

Batman: The Dark Knight

This is seriously the best movie that I've ever seen (besides the ORIGINAL Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) with Gene Wilder. That or maby Blazing Sattles). The Joker was my favorite character in the movie! He was funny, needed to take a shower and phyco! Can someone say TRIPPLE WAMMY? I did a few photo shopped beautys to commemorate how beautiful the Joker is:

I call this one "Everyone has a little Joker in them"

The Joker is actually Christine I may have went a little overboard... You might remember this picture from the Halloween Haunt post. I'm Batman, and look even the...Whatever that is, is smiling XD!

Have you seen this? "Chilling Batman movie no joking matter for children". I mean, If you're going to criticize something at leas make it something that actually matters! I saw Sin City when I was 9, American Pie (all 3) when I was 7, and a whole bunch of other R rated movies when I was younger! I mean, COME ON! This is ridiculous! Till next post/rant, Sayonara!

Anime Moday!

"Little Girls" - Oingo Boingo

This weeks anime is Azumanga Daioh! Sorry for last week, but this week the video's on time! Me and my friend have been singing this song for awhile... At parks, in the shower and other places when it would be rather inappropriate. It's so much fun though. Wait a sec, this is a DOUBLE WAMMY WEEK!!! So here's number two with Chiyo-chan in the lead!

"Real Sugar baby" - Stephanie Beard

The beginning was a little dumb but a little into the video it gets kind of cute. Chiyo-chan is perfect for this song!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


It could've been worse....


Anime Saturday???

I didn't relize that I haven't been on for a week! So here's the make-up for Anime Monday!

Scramble -Yui Horie

And.. This is my 50th post! YAY!

HUGE Week in my life post

CAKE! I made this today, dom't try to eat it though it's styrofome. I'm entering it in the OC Fair! It probabally won't win though. I did it all by myself! I feal like a pro kid.

I came up with this beautiful logo. Tiger Suki (love) or トラ愛! I think I did it pretty well for the 2nd cake I decorated.

Christine loved the pose of this guy and if she had a magazene he'd be in it. I mean do you see that Haw-T pose? This is one of the only good pictures from the Muzeo Jane Goodall exibit. I wasn't really into the monkeys...Unlike the GREEN MONKEY TEAM! 緑猿のチーム

Jim Morrison! Someone did a Haw-T Shaw-t Naw-T Baw-T painting!

I've started to learn how to Crochet so the first project was a scarf that was doll (or cat sized).... Now my cat could easily pass for Mrs. McGonagall (from Harry Potter).

The cat decides to take a nap in fun places....

Dad decides to put all the stuff in the bookshelf in my room...It's STILL like this... I can't stand my room being cluttered!!!!

This is when you know you're at the beach!

Dad's going boogieing and mom's already in the water. The surf was okay but broke REALLY close to shore!

Some pro houses and snack bars by Crystal Cove! Too bad i didn't get a pic of the shake shack...

Friday, July 18, 2008


I'm so confused lately about what zodiac animal I am. It may be a case like my father's, in which case he was born on the line in between the Rabbit and Tiger. Okay, so after some well needed browsing I found out that I barely make it in the lines of the Dog (February 9, 1994-January 30, 1995. My birthday being the 25th). So I guess I'm the year of the Dog. Tohru Honda is also the year of the dog it's pretty awesome since she's my anime idol and all (sorry, Shigure)... Anyways since this is all sorted-out I guess I'll post the Chinese/Japanese Zodiac (one of the differences is that instead of the year of the Pig the Japanese call it the year of the Boar):

Rat (Yuki from Furuba): Being the first sign of the Japanese zodiac, rats are leaders, pioneers and conquerors. They are charming, passionate, charismatic, practical and hardworking. Rat people are endowed with great leadership skills and are the most highly organized, meticulous, and systematic of the twelve signs. Intelligent and cunning at the same time, rats are highly ambitious and strong-willed people who are keen and unapologetic promoters of their own agendas, which often include money and power. They are energetic and versatile and can usually find their way around obstacles, and adapt to various environments easily. A rat's natural charm and sharp demeanor make it an appealing friend for almost anyone, but rats are usually highly exclusive and selective when choosing friends and so often have only a few very close friends whom they trust.

They tend to be obstinate and controlling, insisting on having things their way no matter what the cost. These people tend to have immense control of their emotions, which they may use as a tool to manipulate and exploit others, both emotionally and mentally. Rats are masters of mind games and can be very dangerous, calculative and downright cruel if the need arises. Quick-tempered and aggressive, they will not think twice about exacting revenge on those that hurt them in any way. Rats need to learn to relax sometimes, as they can be quite obsessed with detail, intolerant and strict, demanding order, obedience, and perfection.

A valuable lesson for Rats is to learn to consider others before themselves, at least sometimes, and to avoid forcing their ideas onto others. Rats are fair in their dealings and expect the same from others in return, and can be deeply affronted if they feel they have been deceived or that their trust has been abused. Sometimes they set their targets too high, whether in relation to their friends or in their career. But as the years pass, they will become more idealistic and tolerant. If they can develop their sense of self and realize it leaves room for others in their life as well, Rats can find true happiness.

According to tradition, Rats often carry heavy karma and at some point in life may face an identity crisis or some kind of feeling of guilt. Rats are said to often have to work very long and hard for everything they may earn or have in life. However, a Rat born during the day is said to have things a bit easier than those who are born at night. Traditionally, Rats born during the night may face extreme hardships and suffering throughout life. Rats in general should guard themselves against hedonism and nostalgia, as it may lead to self-destruction. Gambling, alcohol and drugs tend to be great temptations to Rat natives.

Traditionally, Rats should avoid Horses, but they can usually find their best friends and love interests in Monkeys, Dragons, and Oxen.
Professions include espionage, psychiatry, psychology, writing, politics, law, engineering, accounting, detective work, and pathology.

Years of the Rat:

31 January 190018 February 1901: Metal Rat
18 February 19125 February 1913: Water Rat
5 February 192424 January 1925: Wood Rat
24 January 193610 February 1937: Fire Rat
10 February 194828 January 1949: Earth Rat
28 January 196014 February 1961: Metal Rat
15 February 19722 February 1973: Water Rat
2 February 19843 February 1985: Wood Rat
19 February 19966 February 1997: Fire Rat
7 February 200825 January 2009: Earth Rat
20202021: Metal Rat

Ox (Haru form Furuba): The Cow is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm, and modest. Like their animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in their work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint.

Ox people need peace and quiet to work through their ideas, and when they have set their mind on something it is hard for them to be convinced otherwise. An Ox person has a very logical mind and is extremely systematic in whatever they do, even without imagination. These people speak little but are extremely intelligent. When necessary, they are articulate and eloquent.

People born under the influence of the Ox are kind, caring souls, logical, positive, filled with common sense and with their feet firmly planted on the ground. Despite this fact, they still behave in a manner that professes complete and "utter" disregard. Security is their main preoccupation in life, and they are prepared to toil long and hard in order to provide a warm, comfortable and stable nest for themselves and their families. Strong-minded, stubborn, individualistic, the majority are highly intelligent individuals who don't take kindly to being told what to do.

The Ox works hard, patiently, and methodically, with original intelligence and reflective thought. These people enjoy helping others. Behind this tenacious, laboring, and self-sacrificing exterior lies an active mind.

The Ox is not extravagant, and the thought of living off credit cards or being in debt makes them nervous. The possibility of taking a serious risk could cause the Ox sleepless nights.
Ox people are truthful and sincere, and the idea of wheeling and dealing in a competitive world is distasteful to them. They are rarely driven by the prospect of financial gain. These people are always welcome because of their honesty and patience. They have many friends, who appreciate the fact that the Ox people are wary of new trends, although every now and then they can be encouraged to try something new.

It is important to remember that the Ox people are sociable and relaxed when they feel secure, but occasionally a dark cloud looms over such people and they engage all the trials of the whole world and seek solutions for them.

Years of the Ox:

19 February 1901 - 7 February 1902: Metal Ox
6 February 1913 - 25 January 1914: Water Ox
25 January 1925 - 12 February 1926: Wood Ox
11 February 1937 - 30 January 1938: Fire Ox
29 January 1949 - 16 February 1950: Earth Ox
15 February 1961 - 4 February 1962: Metal Ox
3 February 1973 - 22 January 1974: Water Ox
4 February 1985 - 8 February 1986: Wood Ox
7 February 1997 - 28 January 1998: Fire Ox
26 January 2009 - 14 February 2010: Earth Ox
2021 - 2022: Metal Ox
2033 - 2034: Water Ox

Tiger (Kisa from Furuba): Tiger people are difficult to resist, for they are magnetic characters and their natural air of authority confers a certain prestige on them. They are tempestuous yet calm, warm-hearted yet fearsome, courageous in the face of danger yet yielding, soft and mysterious in unexpected places. They enjoy a life full of challenges and unexpected events, like visiting unusual places and meeting interesting or outstanding people. Other people in their area are easily attracted by the tiger's enthusiasm and way of life. Tigers find pleasure in the unpredictable, and while other people would rather make a backward step, they are not afraid to explore the new and unusual. But it is not that simple to interest the Tiger. What they really need is first-hand experience. Usually open and frank, these people are likely to withdraw and can be aggressive when trapped. As soon as the Tiger has regained their sense of security their confidence also returns, enabling them to set out once more. These people usually tend to trust their instincts, though there is another side of their personality, which assesses situations thoughtfully before they launch any actions. Their friends usually secretly admire their determination and optimism, though sometimes may find it complicated to share the Tiger's enthusiasm and can be pushed away and left behind. Although Tigers can be courageous and generous friends, if they are not able to achieve what they want, they can be inflexible and self-centered. So if your friend was born in the year of the Tiger, there will be highs and lows in your friendship, but the friendship itself will remain firm.

Ideal jobs for tigers include entrepreneur, military officer, politician, musician, writer, poet, artist, theater director, biological and environmental engineer, stockbroker, athlete, film star, trade union leader, company director, stunt person, explorer, and lawyer.
Love interests for the Tiger are the Dog and Horse.

Years of the Tiger:

8 February 1902 - 28 January 1903: Water Tiger
26 January 1914 - 13 February 1915: Wood Tiger
13 February 1926 - 1 February 1927: Fire Tiger
31 January 1938 - 18 February 1939: Earth Tiger
17 February 1950 - 5 February 1951: Metal Tiger
5 February 1962 - 24 January 1963: Water Tiger
23 January 1974 - 10 February 1975: Wood Tiger
9 February 1986 - 28 January 1987: Fire Tiger
28 January 1998 - 15 February 1999: Earth Tiger
15 February 2010 - 3 February 2011: Metal Tiger
2022 - 2023: Water Tiger

Rabbit (Momiji form Furuba): Those following traditional Chinese astrology consider people born in the Year of the Rabbit to make ideal diplomats or politicians. In Chinese astrological thought, a "rabbit person" is graceful, cultured, well-mannered, articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. Rabbit people are admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky. Although Rabbit people get along well with many people, at heart they are considered to be basically reserved creatures, and are only truly happy when engrossed in some sort of scholarly or intellectual activity. Rabbit people are considered too sensitive for the world around them; they are not able to thrive in competitive or aggressive environments, and are anxious when others force them to take risks. Their inner world is considered too delicate for unsettled or unpredictable situations, and they tend to create peaceful and comfortable atmospheres--like rabbit dens--instinctively. According to traditional Chinese astrology, this characteristic makes them very hospitable and attentive people, who take care of those around them.

Timid and attractive, the Rabbits of the Chinese Zodiac tend to act more like bunnies, whether they like it or not! This Sign is extremely popular and has a wide circle of family and friends. Its compassionate nature leads it to be very protective of those it holds dear, but where romance is concerned, the Rabbit's sentimentality can lead it to idealize relationships. The sweet, sensitive Rabbit often ends up giving more of itself to a partner than is realistic or healthy. The good news is, when this Sign goes off-balance, the Rabbit's core group of friends and its stable home life help bring it back to center.

The Rabbit is a rather delicate Sign that needs a solid base in order to thrive. Lacking close, supportive friends and family, the Rabbit might just break down in tears at the first sign of conflict. Emotional upsets in this Sign's life can even lead to physical illnesses. Rabbits dislike arguments and other conflict and will try anything to avoid a fight; this results in something of a pushover nature. Rabbits can also lapse into pessimism and may seem stuck in life -- often to mask their insecure natures. Rabbits tend to move through life's lessons at their own, rather contemplative pace; it's a waste of time to become exasperated with this Sign's seeming disinterest in facing its problems and conquering them.

With the right partner -- meaning someone whose high principles won't allow it to take advantage of this sensitive, giving Sign -- the Rabbit can make an incredibly loving and protective partner or family member. Rabbits love to entertain at home and always make sure their house is comfortable and tastefully-furnished. What Rabbits need most is a stronger sense of self-worth and the security that comes with it. Their discerning natures, coupled with some hard-won assertiveness, will help these happy creatures go far. The average Rabbit person emphasizes the importance of small details. They pay attention to everything from color, design and furniture to food and conversation. And only when they are sure that everything has been arranged as they wish can these people relax and have fun.

People born in the year of the Rabbit often lead a conservative lifestyle where one of the most important things is their security. This quality has a negative side also: opting for safety over risk, they may miss good opportunities. These people are not frivolous or irresponsible, for when they truly believe in something, they are serious, persevering and capable.

Calm as they are, it is not easy to provoke Rabbit people. They are sentimental and compassionate. They can be moved by the personal problems you share with them.
Most compatible with those born in the years of the Sheep, Pig, and Dog.

Years of the Rabbit:

29 January 1903 - 15 February 1904: Water Rabbit
14 February 1915 - 2 February 1916: Wood Rabbit
2 February 1927 - 22 January 1928: Fire Rabbit
19 February 1939 - 7 February 1940: Earth Rabbit
6 February 1951 - 26 January 1952: Metal Rabbit
25 January 1963 - 12 February 1964: Water Rabbit
11 February 1975 - 30 January 1976: Wood Rabbit
29 January 1987 - 16 February 1988: Fire Rabbit
16 February 1999 - 4 February 2000: Earth Rabbit
3 February 2011 - 22 January 2012: Metal Rabbit
2023 - 2024: Water Rabbit
2035 - 2036: Wood Rabbit
2047 - 2048: Fire Rabbit

Dragon (Hatori from Furuba): The Dragon is omnipotent. He/she is flamboyant, attractive and full of vitality and strength. In China, the Dragon is the sign of the Emperor of China or the male element Yang. The Dragon is the symbol of power and wealth.
It would be right to say that people born in the year of the dragon have a natural charisma and are certainly gifted with power and luck. It is unlikely for them to escape unnoticed from a party or to take second place in a competition. The dragon person has an active mind and shows an unfeigned interest in the world around him/her. This person is also self-confident enough to know how to create a necessary impression. Because they are larger than life themselves, dragon people like to do everything on a grand scale. They are egotistical self-aggrandizing and ambitious, almost to the point of megalomania. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. A person born in this year wears the crown of destiny, and is capable of great achievements if he or she knows how to harness his or her tremendous energy, intelligence and talent. While these people enjoy being the center of attention, they also have a brave and charitable side to their personality. If a dragon's friend faces a problem or dilemma, he or she will be there to offer help, and when others leave the field of battle the dragon takes a step forward to solve the problem with authority and dignity. Dragons set a high standard of actions for themselves as well as for other people and are surprised when others cannot cope with a task; they are so carried away by the process that they fail to see other people's weaknesses.

Ideal jobs for dragons include kings, military officer, politician, musician, buffers, poet, artist, biological and environmental engineer, stockbroker, athlete, trade union leader, company director, explorer, and attorney.
The Dragon is most compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Snake and Rooster.

Years of the Dragon:

16 February 1904 - 3 February 1905: Wood Dragon
3 February 1916 - 22 January 1917: Fire Dragon
23 January 1928 - 9 February 1929: Earth Dragon
8 February 1940 - 26 January 1941: Metal Dragon
27 January 1952 - 13 February 1953: Water Dragon
13 February 1964 - 1 February 1965: Wood Dragon
31 January 1976 - 17 February 1977: Fire Dragon
17 February 1988 - 5 February 1989: Earth Dragon
5 February 2000 - 23 January 2001: Metal Dragon
2012 - 2013: Water Dragon
2024 - 2025: Wood Dragon

Snake (Ayame from Furuba): The person born in the year of snake is frequently attractive, the wisest and most enchanting of all. He or she can become an Ambassador, a Mediator or a talented musician. Such a person is a thinker who also likes to live well; affluence. The Snake person loves books, music, clothes, fine food and wine; but with all their fondness for the finer things in life, their innate grace and elegance gives them a dislike for frivolities, small minds and foolish talk.

Some Snakes may have a slow or lazy way of speaking but this does not reflect in any way their speed of deduction or action. It's just that they like to ponder things, to assess and formulate their views properly. Generally speaking, Snakes tend to be very careful about what they say.

Snake people like communicating, particularly interesting and challenging conversations; if the conversation becomes repetitive their attention may soon wander. It is almost impossible to fix their attention for long talking about mundane everyday habits as they prefer to focus on new, interesting and evolutionary ideas in general. The Snake needs mental exercise in a conversation or relationship.

In relationships with others, Snakes are possessive and very demanding. And yet at the same time, they view their associates with a certain distrust. They will never forgive anyone who breaks a promise. They are also prone to being neurotic, even paranoid, where pet fears and suspicions are concerned.

These people have a special talent that enables them to judge situations correctly. They are alert to new possibilities: when they have an idea of what to do and how to do it, they will pursue it persistently and energetically. The Snake is at home in any social situation, able to adapt and converse on all levels. In Chinese astrology it is believed that they are self-confident, driven, focused and willing to listen to someone else's opinion, but don't necessarily take it 'on board'. Refusing to listen to constructive advice; intelligent and headstrong. They treasure their privacy and will have many a dark secret locked up within.

Although it is difficult for such people to take advice, they are patient and compassionate with others when it comes to giving a helping hand, and their ability to look at a problem from a variety of angles is extremely useful. When faced with a dilemma, Snake people, as a rule, act with speed and conviction, since they believe intensely in what they are doing and rarely waste time or energy on projects lacking in good potential.

The best partners for the Snake will be the dependable Ox, the dauntless Rooster or the illustrious Dragon. Snakes can also do well with the tenacious Rat. Though the Rabbit, Pig, Sheep and Dog may not be able to work with Snakes.

In life, they know precisely how to use people and situations to his best advantage. There will be no holding them back as Snakes are destined for fame and fortune.

In times of confusion and trouble, the Snake person is a pillar of strength because he maintains a presence of mind. The Snake can deal with bad news and misfortune with great aplomb. They have a profound sense of responsibility and an unsinkable constancy of purpose. It will be this constancy of purpose coupled with a natural hypnotic charisma that could carry a Snake to the highest realms of power.

Years of the Snake:

4 February 1905 - 24 January 1906: Wood Snake
23 January 1917 - 10 February 1918: Fire Snake
10 February 1929 - 29 January 1930: Earth Snake
27 January 1941 - 14 February 1942: Metal Snake
14 February 1953 - 2 February 1954: Water Snake
2 February 1965 - 20 January 1966: Wood Snake
18 February 1977 - 6 February 1978: Fire Snake
6 February 1989 - 26 January 1990: Earth Snake
24 January 2001 - 11 February 2002: Metal Snake
10 February 2013 - 30 January 2014: Water Snake
2025 - 2026: Wood Snake
2037 - 2038: Fire Snake

Horse (Rin from Furuba): The horse personality is often willing to give as well as expect a lot of liberty. These people are extremely independent and confident. The horse person is very quick-witted, inquisitive and determined. They are very good at recognizing patterns: she or he is on to the thought in your mind even before you've expressed it. In general, these people are gifted.They adore being the center of everyone's attention, but they prefer to be recognized for their skills and are easily flattered. On the other hand these people have an honesty and genuine warmth which attracts lots of people and helps them make new friends. People as a rule confide in a horse person because he/she is sincerely interested in their thoughts and feelings and is able to help with both wise words and an action, but there is a small problem about it - the horse person is so excited by new discoveries that it is difficult for them to keep a secret. This is not something that arises out of malice or revenge - sometimes they just cannot help themselves.
It is easy to inspire such a person by new ideas and he/she tends to act on them without delay, carried away by the excitement of the moment. But it is also important to remember that there is a danger for a horse person to be too impulsive and it may cause some problems in the future. And if they do not see the result of their efforts, it is rather natural for them to turn their attention to a new project and head off once again, brimming with new ideas. The horse person is always ready to offer good advice and can be very persuasive, but his/her confident and carefree approach hides inner doubts. Those who know such a person will recognize this, and offer the support and reassurance he/she needs. Males born under the year of the Horse are considered charming and attractive to members of the opposite sex.

Horses should beware of the Rat, as any relationship with this sign is said to be extremely trying for the horse. Of all relationships between Chinese zodiac signs, a relationship between a rat and a horse is said to be the worst. The rat may just be too calculating, dictatorial and possessive for the free-spirited and independent horse. A relationship with a rat can potentially break down the horse's free-spirit and cause rage in the rat - as neither will be willing to yield to the other. Rats and Horses will attract each other like no other. Male Horses, especially, will find the female Rat irresistible, though they always bring out the worst in each other. Horses do get along great with Tigers, Sheep and Dogs.

Possible professions for people that are born on the year of the horse are that of a journalist, engineer, architect, a writer or novelist, an actor or a model.

Years of the Horse:

25 January 1906 - 12 February 1907: Fire Horse
11 February 1918 - 31 January 1919: Earth Horse
30 January 1930 - 16 February 1931: Metal Horse
15 February 1942 - 4 February 1943: Water Horse
3 February 1954 - 16 February 1955: Wood Horse
21 January 1966 - 8 February 1967: Fire Horse
7 February 1978 - 27 January 1979: Earth Horse
27 January 1990 - 14 February 1991: Metal Horse
12 February 2002 - 31 January 2003: Water Horse
2014 - 2015: Wood Horse
2026 - 2027: Fire Horse

Ram, Sheep, Goat (Hero from Furuba): The Sheep, or Goat, is thought to be the most artistic or creative sign of the zodiac. The Sheep is artistically talented and has a great sense of fashion. Chances are that this type will prefer to be a designer or painter, or go into the kind of profession where he/she can make the most of his/her gift for creating beautiful things.

These people are extremely beautiful creatures - they think before acting, and try not to hurt anyone's feelings. If it ever happens that the Sheep person causes unforeseen problems, it is very likely that he/she will step forward to rectify the situation. This side of their character helps them maintain a healthy social life as well as enabling them to deal with life's ups and downs.

Sympathy is very important to these people as is the approval of people they respect. However, they sometimes require too much attention and impose too much on those who are close to them.

In his life he will need strong and loyal people to lean on. The outgoing and optimistic characteristics of the Horse, Boar and Tiger will complement his personality. He will also find perfect harmony with the Rabbit. Monkey, Dragon, Rooster, Snake or another Sheep will do very nicely together, too.

The Rat will dislike the Sheep's spendthrift ways and lack of self-denial. The Sheep will not find sympathy or happiness with the stern people of the Ox year or the practical Dog persons, who will have no patience to listen to the Sheep's petty woes.

Sometimes they are too sensitive for the real world; they often misinterpret situations. They can also be very shy, especially in front of those they like. People under this sign can be insecure. They need to feel loved and protected and are easily drawn into complex predicaments. This being so, they usually shy away from confrontation, pull back when faced with heavy decision-making, and blatantly refuse to take an unpopular stand in a conflict.

Years of the Ram:

13 February 1907 - 1 February 1908: Fire Sheep
1 February 1919 - 19 February 1920: Earth Sheep
17 February 1931 - 5 February 1932: Metal Sheep
5 February 1943 - 24 January 1944: Water Sheep
24 January 1955 - 11 February 1956: Wood Sheep
9 February 1967 - 29 January 1968: Fire Sheep
28 January 1979 - 15 February 1980: Earth Sheep
15 February 1991 - 3 February 1992: Metal Sheep
1 February 2003 - 21 January 2004: Water Sheep
2015 - 2016: Wood Sheep
2027 - 2028: Fire Sheep

Monkey (Ritsu from Furuba): The Monkey is the most versatile sign of the Chinese zodiac. Such people are often inventors, plotters, entertainers and the creative geniuses behind anything ingenious, including mischief. They have natural quick-wittedness which enables them to understand what is happening and then make a right decision. Even during a conversation a person born in this year is aware of what is going on around him/her, and then makes a mental note of who said what and stores it away for future reference. In general, with their agile minds and multiple talents, monkey types can master any subject. They are reliable and honest people so that any secret is safe in their hands. These people are also honest in their dealings and are very good at problem-solving: knowing how to listen closely and work out solutions at the same time.

Although these people are trustworthy and unlikely to hurt someone out of spite, they would never let people escape if they have behaved badly or damaged a monkey's reputation. Their stamina and determination to achieve their main goals can make these people appear vain or manipulative. People born under this sign should be careful so they do not damage their friendships. It is important to remember for these persons that it would be wiser sometimes not to pursue their goals and simply let things pass.

Monkeys have flexible principles and serene self-confidence so they are completely content; but they usually manage to complicate the lives of others. After yet another plan or project has gone wrong, they are seldom there to help clean up the disorder and confusion that they leave in their wake. Monkeys can handle that too; with their charm and persuasiveness they can make people believe that just knowing them is a privilege.

Years of the Monkey:

2 February 1908 - 21 January 1909: Earth Monkey
20 February 1920 - 7 February 1921: Metal Monkey
6 February 1932 - 25 January 1933: Water Monkey
25 January 1944 - 12 February 1945: Wood Monkey
12 February 1956 - 30 January 1957: Fire Monkey
30 January 1968 - 16 February 1969: Earth Monkey
16 February 1980 - 4 February 1981: Metal Monkey
4 February 1992 - 22 January 1993: Water Monkey
22 January 2004 - 8 February 2005: Wood Monkey
2016 - 2017:
Fire Monkey
2028 - 2029:
Earth Monkey

Rooster (Kureno from Furuba): People born in the year of the Rooster are usually very observant. They are brave, resilient and tenacious but can also be quite self-absorbed, pretentious, and overly romantic. Most of the time, they are very accurate and precise with their observation.

These people certainly love to find themselves in the spotlight, they love entertaining friends and adore meeting new people, and even unexpected and uncertain circumstances are not a barrier for them.

It is almost impossible to find someone born in this year looking dowdy or untidy. The fact is that these people are usually the best dressed and groomed of all other people. They are actively interested in clothes, colours, and accessories, and are usually very critical of their own appearance as well as of the appearance of those around them. People born in the year of the Rooster like to be noticed and flattered. Such a person might dress a little flashy with this in mind, but in his heart, he/she is completely conservative. Roosters always appear attractive and beautifully turned out. They are sociable and love to receive attention. Others may criticize them for being exhibitionists but the fact that they are compassionate, wise, and have a brave nature which comes to the fore when others need their help, makes up for that deficiency.

Roosters are very loyal individuals. They do not like dishonesty or mockery of any sort. They are blunt, up front and honest people and expect those around them to be the same. Roosters are happiest when they are surrounded by others, at a party or just a social gathering. They even enjoy the spotlight and will exhibit their charisma and wit in a minute. This star quality can be overbearing, for a Rooster expects you to listen to him while he speaks and can become agitated if you don't. Roosters do have a tendency to brag about themselves and their achievements and demand an attentive audience when doing so.

It is difficult for these people to accept advice because of their strong independent spirit. These people are often confident in their own judgment and choices. There are times when these people may be too straight-forward which can cause some problems in relationships with others. So it would be wise sometimes not to express their opinions in order to keep the peace. Roosters can drive people away with their need to be right if they cannot relax and let the other person have a say.

They are most compatible with an Ox, Dragon or Snake and incompatible with a Rabbit
IDEAL JOBS INCLUDE: Newsreader, Sales person, Restaurant owner, Historian/Archeologist, Public relations officer, Farmer, Athlete, Teacher, Writer, Journalist, Travel writer, Dentist, Surgeon, Soldier, Actor/Actress, Security guard, Police officer, Artist.

Years of the Rooster:

22 January 1909 - 9 February 1910: Earth Rooster
8 February 1921 - 27 January 1922: Metal Rooster
26 January 1933 - 13 February 1934: Water Rooster
13 February 1945 - 1 February 1946: Wood Rooster
31 January 1957 - 17 February 1958: Fire Rooster
17 February 1969 - 5 February 1970: Earth Rooster
5 February 1981 - 24 January 1982: Metal Rooster
23 January 1993 - 9 February 1994: Water Rooster
9 February 2005 - 28 January 2006: Wood Rooster
2017 - 2018: Fire Rooster
2029 - 2030: Earth Rooster

Dog (Tohru and Shigure form Furuba): Like his animal namesake, he is Loyal. He is the one who people are most likely to turn to when they need help. The dog person will come through every time. That is because he/she is sensitive to others and empathizes with them, particularly if someone has suffered an injustice; he/she reacts quickly with the same feeling as though he/she had been personally offended. Friends know that they can rely upon their Dog friend to keep a promise or remain cool in a crisis. Dog People are somewhat selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Dogs are also considered to be extremely good looking, smart,graceful, likeable and nice.

Dog types are honest, intelligent and straightforward. They will take on any responsibility that is given to them and you can be sure that they will do their job well.

People born in this year tend to be difficult, upset and shocked more often than the other signs.
Dog types do not tolerate weakness. They will work to push the weakness or the whole person with weakness out of their lives (the pack) if the behavior continues.
Dogs ideal jobs: politician, scientist, actor/actress, teacher, writer, movie director, secret agent

Years of the Dog:

10 February 1910 - 29 January 1911: Metal Dog
28 January 1922 - 15 February 1923: Water Dog
14 February 1934 - 2 February 1935: Wood Dog
2 February 1946 - 21 January 1947: Fire Dog
18 February 1958 - 7 February 1959: Earth Dog
6 February 1970 - 26 January 1971: Metal Dog
25 January 1982 - 12 February 1983: Water Dog
9 February 1994 - 30 January 1995: Wood Dog
29 January 2006 - 17 February 2007: Fire Dog
2018 - 2019: Earth Dog
2030 - 2031: Metal Dog

Pig, Boar (Kagura from Furuba): The Pig type is usually an honest, straightforward and patient person. They are a modest, shy character who prefers to work quietly behind the scenes. When others despair, they are often there to offer support. This type of person is reserved with those they do not know too well, but as time passes and they gain confidence, those around them may discover a lively and warm-hearted person behind that mask of aloofness. Despite those born in the year of pig having a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, they have few close friends who understand them and share their inner thoughts and feelings. It is easy to put trust in pig type; they won't let you down and will never even attempt to do so. Such people simply want to do everything right according to social norms.

It is important to remember that these people are not vengeful creatures. If someone tries to take advantage of them, the pig type tend to withdraw to reflect on the problem and protect themselves. All they need in such situations is a little time to find a constructive way to respond. The people of the pig type are conservative creatures of habit. They dislike being made to travel too far from familiar surroundings, unless it is a trip to the countryside. They love nature and are never happier than when they are out somewhere, far from the city.

There is a tolerant and peaceful side to their character. Such people are never afraid to allow others their freedom of expression; they do not want to cause arguments and if there is any way to avoid arguing, they will probably take this option. However, they are not weak and if the situation forces them to fight these people will rise to the occasion, whether it is to defend themselves or those close to them.

Years of the Boar:

30 January 1911 - 17 February 1912: Metal Pig
16 February 1923 - 4 February 1924: Water Pig
4 February 1935 - 23 January 1936: Wood Pig
22 January 1947 - 9 February 1948: Fire Pig
8 February 1959 - 27 January 1960: Earth Pig
27 January 1971 - 14 February 1972: Metal Pig
13 February 1983 - 1 February 1984: Water Pig
31 January 1995 - 18 February 1996: Wood Pig
18 February 2007 - 6 February 2008: Fire Pig
5 February 2019 - 24 January 2020: Earth Pig
2031 - 2032: Metal Pig
2043 - 2044: Water Pig

Thank goodness for Wikipeidia! I also read an articel from the official Fruits Basket website that said; "Pigs are honest, reliable, sincere, tolerant, shy, affectionate, kind, impulsive and short tempered. They are splendid companions, intellectuals with a very strong need to set difficult goals and carry them out. In addition they are extraordinarily naive. Their unquenchable thirst for knowledge will facilitate their success whereas their quest for material comfort will frustrate it. Pigs also wiil sacrifice their lives for good causes.". Wich makes me wonder if I'm part pig or just brave in the sence that I probabally would give my life for another. I probabally would give my life for any person in my familey, and some of my friends; Christine and Jonathan mostley. Maby I do have some Boar in me. Beause I would fight to the death for em' too! I would challenge a person who beat on them even though I know I would not win. Is this Boar or just braveness? It's hard to tell... I've had a few dreams that someone bad was telling me to choose between Christine and Jonathan, one of my friends to live the other to die. And I was like"Take me instead and let them go!" so, he did take me but then they both joined together and saved me... Maby this will make a good manga... Geeze this post is getting long! Oh well till next post! Sayanora!