Friday, November 21, 2008

Prop 8: Protest!

I just want to start this post with a nice centence. <---That was it.

I just really want Gay marradge to pass already! If the eghing Mormons would get their head's out of thier bibles maybe they could see the reality of this prop. It's almoast like a type of slavery! What are we? In the 1800's? GROW UP!

Gays are everywhere and should be treated just like everyone else! If the Mormon's can't except that maybe they should go and make their own country and live there where they can pass any ridiculous laws they want! GRRR! They had a brainwashing site online with their massa' that would go on every night telling them that they would go to hell if they voted NO on prop 8. Firstly, WTF? Suuuuure, I may be going overboard but I DON'T CARE! This needs to stop NOW!

As you can see I have very strong ideas of what is right and what is wrong. And NO ONE should be able to steal ANYONE'S rights. Not even the president. How would the Mormons feel if we decided to burn all the bibles in the US or make Mormon and Christianity illegal? Hmm??? ANSWER THAT! I would do anything to be in those picket lines right now protesting the writes of two PEOPLE supporting each other. I'm not even gay! I don't even have any gay friends! I think that if two people love each other they should be able to get married! PERIOD!